Friday, May 14, 2010

Tasty Bacon

Remember "SOME PIG," that famous phrase that Charlotte the spider spun in her web to convince the farmer not to butcher her beloved piggy friend Wilbur? I know that the author of the all-time bestselling children's book Charlotte's Web, E.B. White, thought that brevity was the soul of wit, but don't you think "some pig" could easily have been taken to mean, I don't know... anything else?

That's the concept that my good friend and artist extraordinaire Ryan Sawyer (who goes by the nom de 'net "absinthetic" and who has also given us some incredible steampunk creations, like the "chronotheric fluxing capacitron") was working with when he made this awesome, horrible HORRIBLY AWESOME t-shirt "Tasty Bacon."

You can pick up one of these super cool tees at Ryan's Etsy shop, where he also has a bunch of other amazing shirts.  I've got one, it's one of my favorites, and every time I wear it, I get amused comments from people that love Charlotte's Web and a sharp pop culture reference.

...and dark humor.  Dark, dark humor.

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